German Health Insurance for International Students? Must Read This!

German health insurance for international students is obligated. Other than a requirement on visa application, the insurance ensures students’ safety while living in Germany. You need to pay attention to several things, from eligibility to the cost and coverage of health insurance in the country. 

Student Travel Insurance vs. Student Health Insurance

Apart from public or private health insurance, international students studying in Germany should have two types of insurance. Below are the explanations for both:

1. Student Travel Insurance

The insurance plan lasts for a short time period. It will cover you right from your departure to Germany until before your semester starts. Usually, the Embassy will demand you to have travel health insurance to fulfill the Schengen requirements. The good news is it is possible to get it free.

If you apply to Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), the health insurance provider may give you a one-month free package. It is useful because you do not need to pay an additional fee while waiting for the student health insurance to start. 

2. Student Health Insurance

German health insurance for international students is the long-term one than travel insurance. It will provide coverage during your study in Germany until you return to your home country. The insurance cannot be avoided because university enrollment requires you to have one. 

Who is Eligible to Have German Health Insurance?

Any international student in Germany must have health insurance. If not, it will be impossible to proceed with higher education in the country. Two types of health insurance are offered: public and private. Public health insurance is eligible for students under 30 years old.

Usually, a bachelor’s and master’s student will apply for this type of insurance. Meanwhile, private health insurance requires students over 30 years old to apply. Additionally, you can apply for it if you are a postgraduate student, a guest scientist, and a scholarship holder. 

However, you must not have an employment contract. Furthermore, you can have private health insurance if you pursue a preparatory course or a language one. Both are as excellent as one other. The most important is to choose the right provider of german health insurance for international students.

German Public Health Insurance

The cost of public insurance varies depending on the insurance provider. For example, Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) will ask about €105 monthly. It is considered quite affordable with the addition of English-speaking customer service. If you are still learning German, communicating in English will decrease misunderstanding. 

However, the monthly contribution generally requires around €110 per month. If you are employed, instead of paying, your salary will be deducted approximately 14 to 15 percent for health insurance every month.

How to Get it?

You must contact a health insurance provider before or after your arrival in Germany. The one you choose will offer several insurance types to create a plan, including the pricing, necessary documents, and the procedure. Some offer an online application process if you are unavailable to visit the provider on-site. 

The steps are quite simple. You can use an online consulting tool by DR-Walter and TK to choose the type of insurance you need. Afterward, the tool will redirect you to an online application portal. Next, you will receive a Student Health Insurance Certificate document and an email for the documents you must submit. 

2. German Private Health Insurance

Private german health insurance for international students is not inferior to public one, but it is more suitable for students over 30 years of age, and several other requirements stated previously. Its difference from the public one is the design. Private health insurance is specially designed for several categories. 

There are the ones who accompany family members, interns or trainees, guest scientists and PhDs, and language students. 

How to Get it?

The first step is to decide the best insurance provider for you. One of the most well-known ones is DR-Walter. There are several advantages: online application, a printable Insurance Certificate, and its existence to meet set requirements by Germany for student visas. 

How Much Does It Cost?

Similar to public health insurance, private ones offer various plans and costs. Moreover, the pricing depends on your age and the length of your stay in Germany. For example, students aged up to 39 years will range between €33,00 to €130,00. 

What Does Germany’s Health Insurance Cover?

Regardless of the type, either public or private, these are going to be included in the insurance:

  • Visiting doctor;
  • Medication prescription;
  • Cancer screening;
  • Hospital treatment;
  • Dental check-ups;
  • Hearing aids, wheelchairs, or any other aid;
  • Other dental procedures, such as dentures and crowns. 

However, german health insurance for international students will offer more coverage if you are willing to pay more, namely coverage for contraception, international travel insurance and liability, any additional dental care, and many more.

Exemptions from German Health Insurance 

Although health insurance in Germany is mandatory, several countries are allowed to have one, not Germany, namely Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Israel, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Liechtenstein, and an EU State. 

The countries listed can own health insurance in their own countries more than the Germans. However, you will need to pay attention to a couple of notes. Firstly, you must check whether the country’s insurance provider will cover your medical cost in Germany. Do not forget to check how much the coverage is as well.

If the coverage is adequate, you must earn an exemption certificate from a public health insurance provider as one of the school document requirements. However, if it is not adequate, it is recommended that you have a German private health insurance plan instead. 

Are You Ready to Study in Germany? 

German health insurance for international students is not optional. If you are under 30 years of age, you must choose public health insurance. On the other hand, you ought to have a private health insurance plan if you are over 30. You may choose the plan’s types and health insurance providers according to your need. Happy studying!

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