German Health Insurance for Foreigners: All Guide

Germany requires all its residents to own health insurance, including foreigners. However, you may be unfamiliar with its system and types. Moreover, foreigners sometimes need to handle registration independently rather than automatically. Worry not; here is the complete information about german health insurance for foreigners.

Public vs. Private German Health Insurance

All people in Germany have been legally obligated to have health insurance since 2007. Two types are accepted by German regulations: public health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung) and private health insurance (Private Krankenversicherung). 

1. German Public Health Insurance

In general, you may discuss health insurance matters with your employer if you are employed. Germany has three biggest and most English-friendly insurance providers: Barmer GEK, TK, and AOK; but your employer may suggest another provider. However, you have the right to either accept or choose the provider of your own selection. 

Whatever your preference, reviewing the policies that interest or are suggested to you is recommended. Each provider and its policies may offer quite different incentives and rates. For example, there can be a possibility of cash back if you are involved in regular fitness activities.

After registration to your selected policy, the insurance provider will issue you an insurance card: Gesundheitskarte. The card is the one that holds your personal data, which is important whenever you visit doctors or public facilities that require the information.

What Does It Cover?

All providers must offer a minimum coverage which includes as below:

  • Basic dental care;
  • Pregnancy care;
  • Employee sick note;
  • Prescription drugs;
  • In-patient care as a ward patient (hospital);
  • Statutory sick pay that is up to 90% of your net salary;
  • Out-patient care (from a medical specialist or a general practitioner).

Furthermore, the civil partner, spouse, or children you have will also receive coverage without any additional cost. However, they must be registered with the same german health insurance for foreign providers as you. Remember that you may need to cover the expense alone if you use other services outside the insurance. 

How Much Does It Cost?

Basic premium insurance requires around 14,6 % of your gross income. In addition, a supplemental charge is approximately 0,9 % of your gross income (maximum €4,425 per month). If you earn more, there is no change in the cost.

Additionally, your employer must pay half of your percent, 7,3 %, and half of the supplemental charge. Furthermore, your dependents (spouse, children, or civil partner) must join Germany’s nursing care scheme. 

The members will receive coverage of some costs, such as bathing, feeding, and other personal nursing needs (If necessary). The scheme is around 2,55 % to 2,8 % of your gross salary. But worry not; your employer will still need to pay half of your responsibility which is a maximum of €56.

2. German Private Health Insurance

Other than public, Germany offers an opportunity for private health insurance or private krankenversicherung. However, there are some requirements that you must meet, or else you are not eligible to choose the insurance. Firstly, you must earn more than the standard, which is approximately €59,400.

Other than as an employee, a self-employed individual and a student can also choose German private health insurance. Despite this, you are not obligated to choose the type of insurance even if you meet one of the above criteria. You may still use public insurance if you prefer it. 

What are The Advantages?

The primary advantage of this german health insurance for foreigners is a wide range of selections. It offers more choices in the policies provided and can be a great opportunity to adjust the benefits to your needs properly. Furthermore, private insurance gives you more exclusivity. 

For example, you will receive access to general practitioners or specialists that restrict their practices privately. As a result, you may have a shorter waiting time. Moreover, you may not need to pay any additional payment for the prescriptions. Lastly, it is easier to find practitioners that speak your mother tongue. 

How Does It Work?

Unlike public health insurance, private insurance is based on patient risk profile, such as medical history and age. In addition, you may receive reimbursement after treatment rather than coverage. However, your private insurance provider will most likely pay the full cost of your treatment. As a result, you may not need to pay anything. 

Remember, the higher or the premium policy you choose, the lesser you pay monthly. Furthermore, you may change your insurance policy if you are unsatisfied with the current one along the way. You must give two months’ notice before news of a supplemental increase or the expiration date. 

Is It Possible to Not Have Insurance? 

It is not possible. Having german health insurance for foreigners is obligatory in Germany, either through a private or public one. If not, you may receive a penalty and must pay some huge costs during your entire stay in Germany. It might be a never-ending pressure, especially if you plan to stay on for a long period of time. 

However, it is indeed a concern for people to have public insurance, especially if they have a high salary and do not have dependents. If it worries you, private insurance can be your best alternative, with a yearly salary of more than €62,550. 

But you must remember that applying for public insurance will be difficult once you opt out. So, please consider first beforehand if you already have public insurance.

Which Insurance Will You Choose?

German health insurance for foreigners is an obligation to all who reside in Germany. You may choose public insurance. The cost will be deducted from your gross salary, and your employer will cover half of the required percentage. However, you can choose private insurance if you want more exclusively and do not have any dependents. 

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